Still Me

DSC_0233It was pondering very heavily on my mind what the topic of my first blog post since January was going to be on. So heavily, that I’ve had that first sentence written for over 3 months. A typically sit down session to write usually consists of random thoughts- like what I’m doing at the current moment; my love for Lagusta Luscious chocolate, the list of things I need to get done, why I’m not where I thought I would be, or the latest book I began reading.

And if you couldn’t tell, my mind has been a bit scattered lately. I’m not ashamed. Although, I do get uneasy when I’m asked the question on what my plans are for the future, like I’m some sort of wizard. Let me just pull the mystery out of my magic hat. I have no idea. My physical self can’t help but get all hot and bothered. Silent judgment fills the voids of silence. I’m uncomfortable. I’m made to feel small by the unwritten rules and expectations of society. So, if you couldn’t tell, here I am, diving into my uncomfortability.

“Acknowledging your feelings can lead to deeper self-realization, because your feelings are the key to figuring out your beliefs. Remember, feelings take you back to the beliefs, so find the feeling and really feel it. Once you have identified the belief behind the feeling, acknowledge the role of the belief, then release it and replace it with a more empowered outlook.”

Let’s rewind a bit. I graduated roughly, three months ago with a bachelor’s degree in Anthropology, Sociology, and Justice and Law. Sounds great, huh? I’ve had no luck of finding a career. Great. But, I have been busy reflecting on the last 4 years of my academic career. My bachelor’s degree stole piece of me I can’t seem to rediscover, the creative side of me. The side of me that was motivated and ambitious.

And after all is said and done, it really was yoga that saved my life. If it wasn’t for Aaron offering me the position as a work-study individual at Manipura on Thanksgiving morning- I really don’t know where I would be. It was at Manipura I learned what yoga truly was. But truthfully, I’ve learned I am my own best teacher. I understand the philosophy more than the Asana. And then, it was Chase who showed that door to me. He shared books with me on consciousness, shared his knowledge, and of course we rolled a few spliffs. When I first began to understand the spirituality behind yoga, I had not much. I was living in-between two places, barley any money for food or clothing that fit me. I had a yoga matt and a book on chakras.

It wasn’t far after I changed my dietary to meet a true yogi of the East. I became a vegetarian, and gradually a vegan climbing the true limbs of yoga. In their terms, I was the “good yogi” and they didn’t take well to that for some reason. Maybe it was my fearless opinion that I voiced repeatedly? I have a voice; I will not apologize for using it. After hearing a beloved yoga teacher call “vegans” crazy, I spiraled downwards and fell out of my yoga practice as I didn’t feel welcomed or accepted. I really use to admire her, but I don’t anymore.

As for the last semester of college, I found myself really connecting to the curriculum for the first time in my academic career. I joined a team of individuals with a goal in mind to design a vegetable garden on midtown campus. We completed it and it’s beautiful. I toke two classes on Native Americans and fell in love with their spirituality and way of life. I envy what they had, and still can’t wrap my head around the idea off why materialism was more appealing then being self-sufficient. I crave the connectedness to the earth they felt.

Recently, I’ve also been extremely busy acting as an assistant to my finances event business One Plug Entertainment. I’ve had the opportunity to act as a photographer for multiple events while learning the technology involved in his business and how it’s operated. The business is really thriving and allowing us to travel.

Life has been busy, and I am teeter tottering on my next decisions in life, as they are the important ones.

In the meantime, I’m going to fake it till I make it, because frankly, I have no idea where the universe is going to take me, and I’m okay with that!

Below are some shots from my most recent event which was a Pop Up Thrift Shop.


New Year, Same Me

BLOG1I’m so joyous to be writing Yogi Vibes first blog post of the year 2015. I created Yogi Vibes in 2014 with aspirations to gain knowledge and truth, share it with others, and with faith to ignite a spark of inspiration within other souls. It was an enchanting year that awakened my consciousness to consuming a plant-based diet, intuitive communication with animals, and a deep understanding and appreciation of nature. This path of enlightenment has gradually led me to the decision of advocating for global social issues. In the year ahead, the universe whispered that I will embark on a unfamiliar journey taking an enormous step out of my comfort zone. What awaits is light-years ahead. I am unsure what the future holds, nevertheless my everlasting confidence in the stars will guide me home happily. I know whatever the universe brings my way is my destined truth. “Practice on and all is coming.”

DSC_0304Chase and I were fortunate to do a lot of traveling in 2014 with our most recent trip being to California. What better way to bring in the New Year than across the country with the one you love? We explored the coast of California through the Pacific 1 highway appreciating nature and its energy and all it has led us to- especially each other. It was a dreamy getaway filled with cacti, organic food, teal ocean waves, vegan donuts, and lots of love. The sights we crossed were gorgeous and continue to resonate with me deeply as I mingle around the East Coast.






Processed with VSCOcam with kk2 presetOf course, we had plans to stop at several vegan restaurants to see what California had to offer us vegans, including the legendary fast food restaurant Native Foods who offers a complete vegan menu. It was superb and I look forward to sharing pictures with you of our yummy eats!

POSTINSTASending Good Karma to all my readers for today, tomorrow, and the year ahead.


Tis’ The Season

My life has been hectic the last two weeks while preparing for finals in my senior year of my undergrad. As well, holiday season has arrived and life is moving fast as 2015 approaches. I have been making efforts to incorporate yoga and meditation into my busy schedule for relaxation and solitude. Yoga and meditation has always been my peace of mind- my escape from the material world and into my heart and soul. It really keeps me balanced during a time where stress and anxiety may easily seep into my world and distort my clearly envisioned path.

I spent this weekend with my god-daughter, who has shown and taught me true love. She is so intelligent, beautiful, and graceful. I call her my yoga baby, as I started incorporating yoga into her life around 8 months. This weekend I also gave her a hand-me-down oceanic blue cushioned yoga matt. She repeated, “my yoga matt!” over and over in excitement and for a clear understanding that she actually had her own yoga matt now. A wave of joy washed over me. My yoga baby! I asked her what color it was, she announced blue. I asked her what else was blue, and hinted to her the ocean. She jumped up in excitement, “Rhode Island!” Her memory is incredible. Here are two quick pictures I was able to snap of us reading our yoga pose book, in which I have her go through and chose what pose she would like to try. We did a lot of  downward dogs. It is safe to say it is her favorite pose, and she adores “wagging” her tail! She is too darn cute! I apologize for the quality of these pictures, as I rearrange my tiny little space. I am gently manifesting in 2015 to have “space” for our yoga practice and invite others to join!

I recommend this time of year you make time for yourself. Whether it is reading a book, writing, exercising, or cooking. Whatever it is that you do for yourself, do it. Give to yourself.  Maybe it is yoga, which can be practiced at home yoga, on the go “work” yoga, or an hour at a studio. And don’t forget to eat your fruit and vegetables!

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Best Ever Muffin Recipe!

Welcome back! I hope every ones Thanksgiving was enchanting and giving! This Thanksgiving I decided to make a lot of tasty food to share with my loved ones. From tofu scramble, Mexican casserole, vegan stuffing, potato casserole, apple pie, and a delicious new recipe I have been concocting, banana blueberry crumb top muffins– whew! It was a successful day!

These muffins are everything! Nutritious enough for morning breakfast with a cup of tea, and sweet enough as a late night snack to curb cravings. These muffins are hearty, wholesome, and sure to have your taste-buds asking for more! I can guarantee this! Check out the recipe below!



2 Flax Meal Eggs
4 mashed bananas
1/2 cup of brown sugar
1/4 cup of vegan butter (Earth Balance can be purchased at Shop Rite)
1 tsp of vanilla extract
2 tsp of baking soda
1/2 tsp of salt
1.5 cups of whole wheat pastry flour
1/2 cup of rolled oats
1/4 cup of chopped walnuts
1/2 cup of blueberries
1/4 cup of coconut flakes

Crumb top:
1/4 cup of brown sugar
5 tbsp of unbleached all purpose flour
2 tbsp of vegan butter

1. This makes between 12-15 muffins. Prepare your muffin tins and turn on oven at 375 degrees.
2. Prepare flax eggs in mixing bowl
3. Add in banana and mash well
4. Add brown sugar, salt, and baking soda. Whisk well.
5. Stir in vanilla, melted butter and mix.
6. Add in flour and oats and stir with a spoon. Lastly, fold in walnuts.
7. Divide batter evenly among muffin tins.
8. Quickly wipe mixing bowl, and add in sugar, flour, and butter mashing all ingredients  together with a fork until crumbly. Generously top muffins with crumble.
9. Bake muffins for 15-20 minutes or until tops are golden brown. Let cool for a few minutes. Best served warm. Store in room temperature covered container. Muffins can be frozen for long term use.

Are you baking these muffins? Instagram or Facebook your creation at #YogiVibesCook and show off what your creativity! You will have a chance to be featured on the blog! Namaste!

For The Love of Ginger

Dinner last evening was spicy tofu scramble seasoned with extra hot paprika, raw turmeric, and raw ginger for the flavor (awesome combination I recommend it in almost anything). Especially ginger! I absolutely love cooking everything with it. Ginger brings about such a fun spunk of flavor. When you bite into even the smallest piece, it is a whole new taste and really refreshes your mouth for the next bite! Yum! Plus, it has wonders of benefits- as does turmeric! I also added red pepper, green pepper, onion, garlic, broccoli, mushrooms, spinach, kale, and three diced marinated tempeh strips! I used a recipe obtained from Catskill Animal Sanctuary Festival of Living Vegan in a previous post for shiitake bacon, which was sprinkled on top! Such a mouthful! Wrap it up in a tortilla, add some raw avocado slices, and spice it up even more with jalapeño pepper sauce or anything if your choice!

In my cup is raw Jamaican ginger brew. I bet you couldn’t tell I love ginger!

Ginger  really  strengths  the  stomach  and  digestive  system,  also  allowing  for smooth discretion and acting as an anti-inflammatory. Ginger in tea aids in soothing coughs and headaches. Overall, ginger is definitely a powerful super food!


Be creative with your food and love it!


Artist & Flea

Who doesn’t adore delicately hand crafted one of a kind pieces? Especially in this overtly commercial main-stream society, creative artisan pieces are rare to come by.

This girl right here, goes googoogaga over hand crafted unique pieces, from jewelry, clothing, to furniture. I love them all!

So I visited the newest up and coming flea market in Williamsburg- Artist & Fleas!   DSC_0134

I walked in the reconstructed warehouse and instantly felt at home- or maybe I just wanted to move in! The decor from bottom to top of the warehouse was creative, hip, trendy, and original; not to mention the individual touches each vendor created in their sectioned area. It was colorful and fun with so much to look at! There was something there for everyone from bow ties, jewelry, pet clothes and collars, clothing, shoes, and home appliances. The items were all so unique and beautiful. I wish I could buy one of everything. I brushed by each vendor admiring their talents and gently crafted work with a cup of lemongrass and ginger tea while starting small conversations eager to find out their story.

Immediately, I caught a view of build-able modern earrings hand crafted by the lovely Trime Modular Jewelry. Her work was remarkable and creative. We chatted for a bit and found out they are vegans also headed to the Vegan Shop Up! It was a special moment of connectedness that I appreciated deeply. You can check out her work at her website via this link.

Proceeding through the warehouse, my attention was directed towards a unique vintage gold chain with a hand wrapped amethyst stone dangling. I tried it on, and couldn’t take it off! I fell in love with its organic presence as the stone is rough and raw. I received multiple compliments throughout the day and was so happy with my purchase! Thank you Sparkle Farm!

Chase purchased a beautiful hand crafted mala bracelet by the talented Leila V. Khoury. Her work is remarkable! She was darling and sweet. I recommend anyone interested in Mala Beads to check out her Etsy shop via this link. She can also create hand made pieces as she did for chase! She is so awesome.

I continued throughout the market and behold my eyes met another meant to be hand crafted necklace, and I quickly purchase the vintage gold plated elephant necklace. Elephants are known for luck within symbolism when their tusks are raised, and who doesn’t need some “luck” in their lives? Marina at Giorgie Jewelry was super helpful and had a variety of charms and chains to choose from also available on her Etsy shop!

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(Necklaces I purchased shown above)

Wow! What a busy weekend I had. It was so magical and enchanting in Brooklyn! I look forward to doing more traveling and reporting and  sincerely look forward to more trips to Artist & Flea for vintage hunting and gathering to share with my readers and Etsy shoppers!

Thanks for stopping by and reading! Stay tuned for some vintage pieces on the Etsy shop!

Vegan Shop up!


Imagine this, you’re walking into a bar, and not only are there magnificent hand crafted looking Bloody Mary’s in every ones hand, but a monster wave of aromatic flavors are inhaled and instantly adored. It’s macaroni and cheese, hot dogs, pizza, lasagna, empanadas, pies, brownies, donuts, and more possibilities teasing you at the tip of your tongue. Hello food heaven. You scurry around, trying one of everything. Maybe even having two of the same! You just want more. And the best part is- you can have more! No calorie counting. No fats. No additives. No GMOs. And absolutely no cruelty! It’s all vegan (plant based). You can eat a hot dog, an empanada, and three donuts while wash it down with a Bloody Mary and still feel light as a feather!

Welcome to my world- more importantly, my exciting weekend at the one and only Vegan Shop Up at the Pine Box Rock Bar in Brooklyn. It was filled with yummy new and familiar vendors offering food and beverages, and a great group of lovely individuals.

DSC_0253DSC_0265Yeah Dawg, offering vegan soy free hot dogs was present with whom I met at Catskill Animal Sanctuary featured in a previous post. I couldn’t resist a Yeah Dawg even in 30-degree weather! It was even more satisfying than the first time! Yeah Dawg is beyond wonderful and always impresses me. It is certainty my number 1 recommended vegan food vendor on the East Coast (BIG NEWS: I will be traveling out West in December to check out a few vegan restaurants and food trucks). The women are friendly at Yeah Dawg which makes it all even more worthwhile.

Proceeding, we grabbed a treat from Gone Pie, another vendor whom I met at CAS. It was great to chat and catch up! They teased me the night before with posting a picture on their Instagram of a rocky road chocolate pumpkin brownie! You better believe it was what I got! I loved every bite of it- which was followed by a nice stroll around the neighborhood. It was time for a walk to burn off the first round of food! We saw some great street art and were surprised by the glorious view of the Freedom Tour below!

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I was really excited about going to the Vegan Shop up as I got wind Cinnamon Snail, a food truck out of Manhattan would be there. I have been hearing others rave about their Korean and Asian inspired dishes, which range from pancakes, to burgers, to bahn mi sandwiches, to an array of donuts! (I haven’t tasted a donuts in over two years!)


After looking through their menu the night before in preparation, I decided to go with the Gouchujang Burger Deluxe with sautéed kimchi, arugula, pickled red onions, black sesame gomasio and sriracha mayonnaise on spelt bread as they ran out of the herb grilled focaccia it normally would come on. The crowd was large and Cinnamon Snail was definitely the number one attraction so this was expected. (Picture was shot in my car as no seating available at the Pine Box Rock shop)


The burger was scrumptiously good. The flavors were infused with Korean excellence, which was the best part. I really enjoyed it as it’s not something I usually cook or eat regularly especially in the area I live in. It quickly evaporated from my hands.

Although, the serving size was small for the price, and didn’t come with any sides. The toppings were light and not as creative as I have had in the past. Literally the best innovative part was the sauce and as you can see most of it ended up on my wrapper. Would I go back and order that burger again? I wouldn’t. Yet, I would be willing to try a sandwich, as they have a big selection, yet the hoopla over Cinnamon Snail compared to my experience disappointed me.

And the donuts- how was I to pick 1 donut out of the handful they had available? I haven’t had a donut in years! I was so excited! I went with my gut (no pun intended) and I picked grand total of 6! And I regret to inform you they were all just.. Okay. The selection ranged from coffee cake twist, glazed with coconut flakes, peanut butter, peanut butter pumpkin with cookie dough, crème brulee (not enough crème in the middle), and apple cinnamon spice. I must have saved the best for last, which was the peanut butter pumpkin with cookie dough. That was a resurrection from all the others as it was moist, fluffy, and the cookie dough center was finger licking good!


Other NYC vendors were present, such as Monks Meat and She’s Got Balls. A few vendors were not present that were on the vendors list in which I was looking forward to seeing.

The atmosphere of the venue, The Pine Box Rock Shop was cozy, casual, and comfortable. The con of the venue was it became crowded very quickly due to the event. It really couldn’t handle the crowd. I ate my Yeah Dawg standing up, my burger in the car, as well as a few donuts.

All in all, I had such a wonderful time! It was great to co-create with like-minded conscious individuals and businesses. I came hungry and I left stuffed while making some great connections and relationships along the way. I look forward to the next Vegan Shop Up event in December and would definitely recommend visiting Pine Box Rock Shop bar if you are in the neighborhood! Toodles!

Namaste! Stay warm.

Festival of Living Vegan

This past weekend my fiancé Chase and I attended Catskill Animal Sanctuarys annual Festival of Living Vegan in the small country side town of Saugerties, New York. I know I can speak for the both of us when I say we were so enthusiastic for this trip as we are both ethical vegans living in a community that is predominately made up of carnivores, so the anticipation of being surrounded by like minded individuals who share our same beliefs and goals was purely indescribable. Up until this weekend, we have been feeling rather lonely in our community, yet we are so thankful for this past experience and all the ones to follow. It was such a relief to meet others similar to us. We made so many connections from both our human and animal friends! I am incredibly thankful for this experience and shed gratitude as I reflect on the memories. I would like to give a special thank you to Kathy Stevens, a good friend of ours and founder of Catskill Animal Farm for inviting us and showing us such compassion.



We parked about 10 minutes away in a corporate parking lot, and toke a shuttle bus to the farm. It was packed with people all ages, from young to old. Upon arrival we stopped by Kathy’s house for a warm welcome. Her house is quaint and cozy with a beautiful flower garden surrounding the outside. Inside it was filled with animal paintings and books.


Next, we checked ourselves in at the welcome booth, and headed to the cooking demo performed by vegan Chief Linda at the sanctuary. Check out her blog, called Compassion Cuisine, which is an extension of the animal sanctuary. There are a ton of great vegan recipes! Linda demonstrated to a crowd how to make vegan mac and cheese, something Chase and I haven’t experimented with yet. The recipe can be viewed on her webpage via this link. We were fond of her technique, using nutritional yeast, cauliflower, and butternut squash as the main ingredients in the recipe! A great way for vegans to get their B12. She was kind and patient at answering our many questions. We got great insight on vegan cheese. We are particularly interested in trying Treeline vegan cheese thanks to her advice and sampling!



Another great idea we got from her demonstration was how to make your own vegan “bacon”. She cut a bunch of shiitake mushrooms, sprinkled salt and drizzled a little oil, baked them at a high temperature until *almost* burnt (very very crispy), then letting them dry out for 20 minutes, and well-ah! Vegan “bacon”. The recipe can be viewed via this link.

Continue reading



I’m not an African-American but I am certain I have some in my blood line. I also know what the culture was before European invaders seized the land and the people into slavery (self research is the key). It was magnificent, beautiful, and diverse (don’t believe the text books). These initial Africans were extremely aware, conscious, intelligent human beings. Raven-Simone comments regarding her not being an “African” but an “American” are beyond insulting to myself and especially to Africans themselves.

The elite has done an excellent job of stripping Africans from their heritage and history and painting ugly pictures of what it once was. They have also done a wonderful job at promoting white supremacy and keeping you blindfolded (who doesn’t love the rose-colored glasses)? The elite has made Africans believe they are something they don’t want to be (which is black), because of the stereotyping that comes with it (lets not forget they created this). Hence, Africans don’t work together (community building is merely a Caucasian and Hispanic trait) instead Africans use violence against each other. They kill each other in the streets of New York, Miami, Detroit, Los Angeles, and many more locations. We see this also in Ferguson where the locals protested violently, looted at their own community stores (which makes no sense why would you destroy the little that you have,) and destroyed their own neighborhood through fires and stoning. I can’t tell which is worse the violence the police used or the violence the people used.

But this isn’t about Ferguson, it is about Raven-Symoné (who’s real name is Christina Pearman, yet Christina perfers to go by her stage name of Raven-Symoné) (which makes this even more of mind boggling discussion) comments about how she is not an “African,” despite her beautiful golden brown skin color and rich history that lays in her hair. Folks we can not run from our past or history. We must dive face first into it.

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