Vibes From A Yoga Goddess

…It is almost too easy to get stuck in the tedious day to day routine of life; but life moves too fast, and time doesn’t stop. Riddle me this.. we are repeatedly running red lights to get to our next destination. We juggle multiple tasks simultaneously and lose sight of our intentions. We forget to say, “I love you” to the ones we admire. Our jobs absorb us and we lose sight of our dreams. I can’t help but fight back… there has to be more to life.

I want to let that thought immerse in your mind for a moment. Moving forward, to the million-dollar question. Who is the mastermind behind the screen? My name is Amanda, and I am a yogi. A yogi, what’s that? A yogi is someone who practices yoga! Duhhh!

I have been practicing yoga for roughly 5 years. Throughout this last year, my yoga practice has really progressed. I am currently studying yoga through a local studio as well as working towards obtaining my teaching certification. My yoga practice has been a journey, and through this I have blossomed. I have grown tremendously in such a small time. Many around see the changes in me. It is like a light has emerged from my soul. It has often been described as “magical.”

Enough about me! I want to talk about you. We all agreed that being inspired is a delighted sensation, correct? It boosts your moods, brightens your soul, calms your mind, and allows you to do more with your life.

Speaking of, I have created this lifestyle blog for that purpose! (Plus I need a creative outlet). I have an eye for health, yoga, style, DIY, food, travel, entertaining and more. Look around; I have links and photos in the right hand column. Stay tuned for positive postings every Monday! I dare you to catch.. Vibes From a Yoga Goddess!

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